packetmq - Packet based networking

Packet Registry


Packet Registry used by both server and client.

adaptPacketIds defines whether to adapt or enforce packet IDs when connecting, usually you set this to False on servers or to True on clients.


Registers packet Object obj using name name and numerical id numid.

name should be of format “<application>:<packet>” and should only contain standard ascii chars. name must also be unique.

obj is an instance if packetmq.packet.Packet or subclass. You may in theory use the same instance for multiple packets, even though not very usefull.

numid is an int within MIN_PACKET_ID and MAX_PACKET_ID, inclusive. This int represents the packet type on the wire.

bypass_assert may be used by internal packets that need to bypass the numerical id limitations.


Removes packet arg from the registry.

arg can be any packet type, see Auto-Types.


Auto-Types conversion methods for packet objects.

These methods allow conversion between packetmq.packet.Packet, Numerical IDs and names.


Registers all default packets needed by the handshake and other default functionality.

Peer Base Class


Base Class for peers in communication.

registry must be an instance of PacketRegistry or subclass.

proto and factory are used for creating new connections. You normally do not need to change these.


Auto-Types conversion methods for protocol/connection objects.

These methods allow conversion between either packetmq.packetprotocol.PacketProtocol for TCP connections or packetmq.Peer for memory connections and Connection IDs.


Initializes connection conn, e.g. sends the handshake.

This method is called automatically by PacketProtocol.connectionMade() and thus should not be called.


Callback called when the connection with conn is lost.

reason is either a dotted string describing the reason or a reason given by twisted. If a dotted string is passed, usually a softquit has occured and when a reason by twisted is passed, then the connection was aborted.

This callback is the last chance to send another packet to the peer, however responses may not arrive.


Sends a packet of type dtype to peer to with payload data.

dtype can be any packet type, see Auto-Types.

to can be any peer type, see Auto-Types.

data can be of any type, by default only msgpack-compatible objects are accepted. Accepted values can be changed by the packet.

This methods encodes and frames the data and sends it with sendEncoded().


Sends the raw data raw to peer to.

raw can be any string, including special characters.

to can be any peer type, see Auto-Types.

Data is sent either through TCP or memory.


Called to process packets.

data is the decoded data, e.g. most often dicts or lists.

dtype can be any packet type, see Auto-Types.

fromid can be any peer type, see Auto-Types.

This method will be called automatically by recvEncoded().


Called by twisted’s reactor methods upon receiving full packets.

data is the encoded data, e.g. most often msgpack encoded data.

fromid can be any peer type, see Auto-Types.

This method is called automatically and thus should not be called manually.


Starts the reactor in the same thread. The reactor processes all incoming and outcoming network traffic.

This call blocks until Peer.stop() is called.


Calls in another thread.

This call does not block, but you will still need to call Peer.stop(), else your program will continue running infinitely.

If the main loop is started using this method, spawning subprocesses via twisted will not work, because their termination cannot be detected.


Stops the reactor and all traffic processing without closing the connections.

This is also called when the peer gets deleted.


Soft-closes the connection to peer peer, optionally with the reason reason.

This will also trigger Peer.lostConnection().


Callback called when connection conn is made.

conn can be any peer type, see Auto-Types.

TCP Servers and Clients


TCP Server class powered by twisted. This class is a subclass of Peer.

registry must be an instance of PacketRegistry or subclass.

proto and factory are used for creating new connections. You normally do not need to change these.


Listen to TCP port port.

You can call this method multiple times to listen to multiple ports.


TCP Client class powered by twisted. This class is a subclass of Peer.

registry must be an instance of PacketRegistry or subclass.

proto and factory are used for creating new connections. You normally do not need to change these.

Most methods that require a peer will default to the first connected server. This applies to following methods:

  • sendPacket()
  • sendEncoded()
  • recvPacket()
  • recvEncoded()

Connects to TCP address tuple address.

address is a tuple of (host,port).

Memory Servers and Clients

All memory servers and clients also have setState() and getState() state methods, for compatibility with PacketProtocol.


Memory Server class for in-process data transmission. This class is a subclass of Peer.

registry must be an instance of PacketRegistry or subclass.

proto is not used since all connections are in-memory.

factory is used for storing active connections.


Connects client client to the server.

This method should not be used manually, use MemoryClient.connect() instead.


Disconnects client client from the server.

This method should not be used manually, use MemoryClient.disconnect() instead.


Memory Client class for in-process data transmission. This class is a subclass of Peer.

registry must be an instance of PacketRegistry or subclass.

proto is not used since all connections are in-memory.

factory is used for storing active connections.


Connects the client with the server server.


Terminates the connection to server server and calls all appropriate callbacks.